Yep, great time. There is not really any eggs in the river yet, so was using a flesh imitation fly. There have been over 40,000 red salmon migrating through the river that are headed to Russian Lakes to spawn, so no egg drop yet. BUT, there are thousands of people fishing at the Russian River confluence, and with the bag limit raised to 4 Reds, and most filleting them on the river, there are a huge number of fish carcases being thrown into the river, and the rainbows are going wild.

These big wild rainbows are truly pigs, and chomp whatever food is abundant. They can't wait for the kings, pinks, chums and the BIG run of Reds (there were 2 million plus last July) to come drop eggs.

Everyday is a good day on the Kenai usually for me. I caught similar sized bows year round. It is a great backyard (I live in Anchorage, but it is only 1.5 hours to the Kenai by car, one of the few great rainbow rivers with road access in AK).

Headed out in the airplane today for fishing, but will be driving to the Kenai in the morning with my boat.

Tight lines