On a lot of the small streams here in the Appalachian Mountains there are rapids and falls between the "holes" that one really doesn't want to tangle with. I am not saying that they cannot be fished but one must use caution when doing so. This tends to concentrate fishers at the "holes" and can produce encounters with rude people. I fish holes and the stream in between them. I do not ever encroach upon the space of a fellow fisher no matter what type of fishing they are doing. I also ask if it's o.k. if I fish above or below them. If there is a problem I just move to a different stream or spot on the lake. I do report intoxicated and/or rude boaters. I have yet to see a W.C.O. that refuses to deal with these types. The law is the law just like being rude is being rude. I make no excuses for those that break the law or are rude. Both need to be taught a lesson.

Eric "nighthawk"

American veteran and proud of it!

[This message has been edited by nighthawk (edited 26 June 2006).]