Byron, thanks for all of the useful information. You've provided a fantastic report, and probably the most detailed summary I've seen for Patagonia. I'm glad you had such a great guiding experience.

The scenery looks somewhat similar to the American (US) West, with mountains that have three distinct levels: below tree line, tall evergreens, and above tree line. It looks like most of your fishing is just below the lower treeline, is that true? Was that to take advantage of the larger size of the rivers compared to the higher elevations? About what elevation were you, mostly?

You mention the flight time from DFW, but your bio says you are in Hawaii. I assume you included that because a) your international leg departed DFW, and b) you wanted to provide a reference for those of us in the lower 48. Is that correct?

You mention how the fish were generally easy catching. Do you think that is because they are only lightly pressured, or because you hit them at the right time (February translates to about August here in the US)? I have no idea the economic status of Chile or the population density of the southern end of the country, but I would guess that there are fewer locals who fish there than in comparable regions of the US.