Actually, I think that shows a level of maturity. I find that there seems to be maturation process to many sports and hobbies, especially fly fishing. When you first start, you want to catch as many fish as you can. This is what I call the "fish counting" phase. Next is the largest fish of different species, I call the the "fish mounting" phase. Finally, there's the satisfaction phase where you're fishing for the sake of enjoying and appreciating all things fly fishing and the friends you get to share it with. Not everyone goes through all the stages, but many do. I am at the stage now that if/when I lose a nice fish, it doesn't bother me. I'm fishing for the enjoyment of being out there doing what I love to do. To answer your question, Am I goofy?, heck I don't know, but it sounds like you are in a great spot in your fly fishing "career".

Jim Smith