Don and Zac;

Good luck picking a major. Let me give you both and anyone else that is getting ready to go to college a tiny bit of advice.

Take the blinders off.

My dad told me when I went off to college to "get the education I wanted, now what someone else told me to take".

So when I say take the blinders off I mean look at ever course that is offered. Sure get your major and a minor but do not stay inside the lines the college draws for you. There is no reason to pass up the opportunity to get "your education" If you decide on something in the wildlife area, then get out of the box and take classes that will round you out. I loved college and everything about it. I made it fun by spreading my education into many different fields. I changed major 3 different times. So my young friends, listen to your advisors, but it is your education and your money, get the most for it.

I will bet most of us would agree the college years were special times for us.

Make the most of this time, you will make friends that will remain with you through life.

I envy you both.
