As a very small child, I was raised on strong, black, hot tea in lieu of excessive amounts hot chocolate. I still like hot tea and I find the British teabags to produce a very good cup. Actually, I get about three very good cups and a very passable cup out of each teabag.
I am, of course, a bit surprised you don't care for tea. Perhaps coffee or hot chocolate are more to your taste.

You might be surprised to learn that in some of the very swampy parts of the South (SE US) that locals of long lineage will drink at least a cup of "black water" every day for their health. Black water is water stained by tannins and other exudates from the trees and other plants, but NOT muddy. The water is very acidic, of course. I wonder if this would be akin to drinking water from a peat bog. Those who claim to follow this regimen claim to scoop up a cup straight from their favorite bog and drink it. I have heard that some claim it as a sovereign preventative for malaria. I am leery of giving their libation a try and certainly wouldn't count on it curing me of much other than my appetite. I'll stick with tea.

BTW, black tea with a half of a Calamondin orange squeezed then dropped into it far better than adding lemon. remove the pips and eat the orange, peel and all, after drinking the tea.

I may just use the teabags for bodies, ribbed to provide some durability. I like the tea.
If you were familiar with Nashville water (lots of chlorine and fluorine) you would probably prefer tea...
