Quote Originally Posted by waskeyc View Post
I've seen that Black Widow and Brown Recluse spider bites can be very bad, requiring hospitalization and significant tissue damage from just a single bite. Maybe that is not typical, I don't know.
With Brown Recluse significant tissue damage is very much the case. Hospitalization is probably not uncommon but not required in every case. My brother in law was bitten in his bed several years ago, he started sweating got out of bed and laid on a couch, so he wouldn't disturb his wife and not realizing it was a brown recluse that bit him. He said he thought he was having a heart attack. He went to work at Baptist Hospital in Memphis the next morning and a doctor but him in a hyperbaric chamber. Without prompt medical attention the tissue with rot away. Growing up in the rural south on a small hill farm and having used outhouses many time, I have been somewhat amazed there were not common occurrences of farmers and their family being bitten on they backside. But, maybe there are some places a brown recluse will not go.