I did that on purpose!! Just to get a rise out of you guy's!!
It was beyond anything I've ever experianced!!
There was a stiff wind at my back so the back cast was not pretty! But the wind also helped to lay out a nice forward cast!
(The 'boo is slow!!). The Gill's were very agressive and where hammering anything you offered, There was an "Oh Crap" moment when I hooked up the first one. Sort of "Now what do I do?!". Just stripped him/her in and went back for another!! The Second one got into some heavy algee and became a 2 pounder!! My 7X tippit gave out and I er, the rod was safe!!
I played around with shooting out some slack with the Sylk line and it performed very well, when my casting abilitie's are taken into account. All in all it is one great rig!!
Got a lot to learn here guy's!!
(Jim, that Better?)

Don't forget the Michigan Fish-In August 14th to the 20th. The Holy Water's of the Au Sable await you!!
