Found this on the flyfishyellowstone blog (great site, by the way if you've never visited it). A bit of an oddball, not quite sure what it's supposed to represent; apparently effective though, so there you go.

hook - Dai Riki 320 #12
thread - Danville 6/0 black
tail - hackle fibers white
butt - dubbing hot orange (original calls for wool dubbing but I subbed rabbit)
body - dubbing lavender/grey mix (see above)
wing - mallard dyed woodduck
hackle - grizzly; oversize by 1 (original calls for generic; I used a low grade saddle with a bit of web)

Part 1

mash barb; start thread at 3/4 mark

trim out center stem of mallard feather, measure for length (hook)

tie in, pull fibers up/back and set with thread dam in front; trim butts

divide and conquer (wings can be set at lower dihedral if desired)