There comes a point when a particular pattern is altered sufficiently that the name of the original can/should not be used to identify it. Example, you're fishing with a friend who is about 100+feet away and he's hammering them. All you can muster is a 6 inch dink. You yell out, "What are you using"? He yells back, "A 14 BWO". You search your vest and find the box with BWOs and put one on. In the next 1/2 hour you see him catch 4 more nice trout and you're still doing nothing. Eventually you guys come together and you look at the flies (2 got chewed to nothing) he was using. The pattern was a size 16. It had a pheasant tail tail and body, dun hen hackle tip wings, and mixed brown and grizzly hackle. You say, "That's not a BWO" and he says, "Yes it is. See, it has a BWO wing".
