Way back when, Theodore Gordon had a lot to say about color regarding insects and the trout. Thought it was the most important element. Now to your post. You wrote one thing that is not quite accurate. Caucci/Nastasi based their colors on a combination of 4 colors. Well, the 3 primary colors AND white. The quantity of each color was identified by a 'pinch', but that form of measurement varied from color to color. A 'pinch' of blue was a different quantity then a 'pinch' of yellow. That is why you had to use a template that had a circle of different sizes per color. Anyway, the parts formula was on each package of dubbing although even with the formula you did not get the right color without the template. Al taught me how to use it and then I began mixing their dubbing for their flies in the shop. Oh, that's an excellent book.

