Quote Originally Posted by tjulian View Post
Thanks again Rainbowchaser.

I've been a participant on this site for over 10 years(had an alter ego earlier on) and over those years have seen a lot of needs met by some very generous people. Now, I admit to not reading every post over the years, but I feel safe saying that your response was among the minority where a public "thank you" was expressed. It was good to read.
Let me say this too: I'm old enough, and silly with this tying fanaticism, to have accumulated quite a 'large' (and that word doesn't even come close) stash of tying materials over the years. However, my memory is good enough that I still recall when I was a 'newbee', could fit all my tying materials in a shoe box, and constantly needed something. My point is, let me know through a PM or email if you need some material. I may be able to help out.