RonMT you got me pegged I am always looking for a reason to buy a new rod. However I was having issues with my 3wt. I guess I should elaborate. My 3wt is an 8ft 6 inch Sage XP cannon. It works well in most situations where I use it. I needed to use about a 4 ft leader at the most over the weekend; and even at that I felt like Robin Hood with all the Bow and Arrow casting I was doing. A shorter softer 3wt probably would have done the trick.

I am going to borrow my friends Sage SLT and give it a try for a few days and see if it's something I really want. I am going to be buying my wife a TFO 3wt for a trip we are taking out West. The rod I am looking at is a lot softer then my XP.

