Lee's right, you might want find yourself a cardiologist before you start throwing any topwaters at Mr Bucketmouth. I would rather fish to trout than anything else, but in Texas it's a little warm for that. We are flush with LMB though, and if that's your deal, this a good place.
You should try those same places just before sunrise or after sundown. Only put a good size popper on and put it as close as you can to the edges of any structure. After it lands you can either start giving it little tugs or let it rest for as long as you can stand it...about 5-10 secs, then pop it once or twice. I find that an irregular retreive that just barley makes a wake without breaking the water gets more strikes. One last thing, you can get away with a short and heavy leader. I use 7.5 ft 0x-3x. Although a 3-4wt is more fun, casting big poppers with lighter and shorter rods is a little harder.