Thanks for the input so far, and sorry Boo but I'll be picking the rod up on the 4th. Until then it's safely "sold and on hold". If I don't like it (which I doubt will happen) I'll let you know. And for the record I am a slow - medium action lover and can't wait to get my first Bamboo.

In an effort to maybe further clarify my thought/question... Do you think the "fast" actions rods manufactured today, prompt us (the consumers) to also go shorter, because we are able to cast the distances we desire with a shorter faster rod. While a slower action rod (of yester-year) wasn't as easily cast the same distances without also being longer?

I'm speaking in generalities here, regarding my perception of the general trend in manufacturing and sales. Not the ability (or lack there of) of any one individual.

Don't know if that helps, but there it is none-the-less.