I hope and pray that the sling solves your problem and the pain goes away. I am 65 now and will be 66 in March. I have an appointment tomorrow at 11am to have a bone spur ground down in my right shoulder and hopefully, everything else is in good shape. If you catch a bone spur soon enough it will not damage the rotator cuff and that is what I am hoping for because if it is just a bone spur, the therapy is around 4-6 weeks before I can start fly fishing again. Rotator cuff repair can take months of therapy. I just started having some pain in my shoulder upon lifting my arm overhead or reaching out in front. The surgeon stated that from looking at the MRI, it did not look like I had any damage to the rotator cuff and all he would have to do is grind off the bone spur, clean up the area and all that may only take about 30 minutes unless he found other damage to repair. Needless to say, I am a little concerned because I may be 65, but, I have never been in the hospital for anything and have never even had an IV.