The fly I first used on my rod had a tail with the red wire body and I gave my fly rod to my buddy so he could be catching fish while I looked for another fly to put on his rod. The other fly I found in my fly box is the one pictured and it had no tail, but, worked great. If I had to guess about the one with the tail, I am thinking pheasant for the tail, body wrapped with pheasant and counter wrapped with the red wire. That is a guess because I only had one of it to and my buddy hung it and lost it. The first fly, which also worked, I cannot remember where I found the pattern for it either, but, I am thinking the tail is pheasant, the body is pheasant like on a PTN which is counter wrapped with red wire, the thorax is peacock and softhackle collar up front. If that "rings any bells" for a pattern, I would appreciate the name of it too because I feel it will also work.