OK, here goes. Pardon the pic quality because I rushed things to get this up during lunch.

Here is an easy 4-step pattern that does very well for me when BWO's get small.


Start thread and move to the rear of the shank


Tie in Wood Duck flank fibers and move thread back to the 2/3rds point of the shank


Tie in tuft of natural CDC and stand upright with thread wraps. Then move the thread back to the tie in point of the tail.


Build tapered abdomen with tying thread, then dub small amount of olive spectrablend and build thorax, further supporting the wing. Whip finish.

Hook: #20-24 standard dry
Thread: Olive/dun Uni 8/0
Tail: Wood Duck flank
Abdomen: Tying thread
Thorax: Olive Orvis Spectrablend