Quote Originally Posted by AllenOK View Post
First, I'm going to admit that I am a multi-species, multi-technique fisherman. I do not limit myself to just fly fishing (although it's up there), "hardware" fishing for those "green fish", and/or bait fishing for all sorts of fish.

This morning, I went to a spot on the Arkansas River, just below Keystone Dam. All the rain in the past month up in Kansas has been draining through here, and the river is in flood, with the dam releasing anywhere from 30,000 - 70,000 cfs. My goal was to catch some Shad, and use those for bait for them whiskered demons (of which I did catch a couple).

Once I got there, I saw what I thought was a small cloud of midges over the shore. Oh cool! Midge hatch!

Well, after looking at them closely, I realized these were NOT midges. They had tails! Since I've been reading the FAOL site for a little over a year now, I realized these were probably some kind of tiny mayfly, either a BWO or a Trico.

When I got home, I did a quick Google search and quickly found the ODWC hatch chart for the state. Lo and behold, this is the last month for a BWO hatch!

I already have some Griffith's Gnats in size 20, as well as a few different midge patterns in size 20. Does anyone have a pattern or two they can point me towards? Assuming I need anything to actually try to match this hatch. I know the Bluegill will inhale them; that's what the Griffith's Gnats and midge dries are for.

If this is the hatch chart, Ck. it again...it says "ALL YEAR":


There are a few patterns for those guys...HERE :
