Any video showing an advantage or disadvantage of fluorocarbon vs mono MUST show both types of lines. I am suspicious of any "evidence" such as the line flash when there is not a side by side comparison of both lines of the same diameter.

Here are three videos I found of fluorocarbon vs nylon mono. Take a look and compare to the diameters of line you use and which videos are closer to reality.

Additionally the lack of degradation of fluorocarbon vs nylon is to me a bit of a false reason to NOT use fluorocarbon. The reason is that nylon mono takes hundreds of years to "degrade". Yes fluoro takes a thousand years but in reality, we should not be leaving either in the wild.

A third reason you may want to choose fluorocarbon is that nylon absorbs water and gets weaker over time, Fluorocarbon is denser and does not. It maintains it strength. Perhaps not important when you are using a 30 lb. test line but how about a 5x tippet?