I have reels that are low end and mid to upper end that all work great. But I have found for me, a reel that if you like the way it looks and is pleasing to you as far as color sound etc. It's going to be a better choice, here's why. If you are really pleased with the asthetics as well as the performance then you are going to be happier with that reel longer and take better care of it etc. I know it is mostly pschycological but it works for me. I think some reels are very much like an art piece and sometimes I leave them out on the dresser to not only remind me of past fishing trips and great times but just to look and admire them.

There are always at least two ways to look at things!

"A smart man learns from his mistakes,
A wise man learns from others"

[This message has been edited by cctyer (edited 26 May 2006).]