Got in trouble (more than once) as a kid "flyfishing" for bats. Was not the catching of the bats that bothered my grandmother, but rather drowning them in her rainbarrel. Seems she had a problem with bats in her drinking water... Hard to figure that one, eh? (she was Canadian)

My son had a rise from a muskrat on a local lake some years back. I think it scared him a bit! Tippet broke before he had to land it on his float tube!

I have had a number of terns and other such birds take big smolt patterns.

Year before last I landed a very large lingcod and he had something sticking out of his mouth. They turned out to be gull wing tips. I decided I needed to release anything that would eat a gull!

But the best fly fishing compliment I ever got was from Polly Rosborough of "Fuzzy Nymph" fame about 35 years ago. Polly was a foot shorter than I am and he put a hand on my upper arm one day and said "Son, you cast farther, with less grace, than anyone I have ever seen before!"