ohh i like this ...as i made some panniers just to carry "stuff"..."bike fishing really teaches one how to minamial ize (sp.)i have a mountain bike...it does work ...i also use a waist pack ..also go over to instructables there is a number of pages to see how to make panniers ...i .....ok here it goes ....i have a pair of old "red-ball waders ...goes on rack..waist belt in one side of home made panneiers ..5wt rod w/tube in other side with hatalso have a thingy of coffee to an a small snack to even it out ..water bottle on water rack ...an bike tools trash kit on front of handle bars ....yes i miss my vest ...but this works ..its new ..good luck ...think bug out fishing ...lol...an let your mind wander ....wait till ya try to tow a float tube ...than ya build a trailer ....lol...good luck ..it is an can be done by you ...if this old marine can do it so can you