Old Fishing Reels... do not throw them away, there is a way to restore them back to their original "out of the box" condition...

My father-in-law had a Ocean City Spool Reel that was his fathers...

His son (my brother-in-law) when he was a teenager, hacksawed the foot-plate to use the Ocean City Spool Cast Reel (1930-1940s ?) on a fishing rod that was for smaller spool feet...

I came into possesion of this 300 yard Ocean City Spool Reel, and went on line to site where anglers who use spool reels can go to locate replacement parts from other anglers.

Now this Ocean City 300 yard Spool Reel is in as close to original condition as is humanly possible

There are site on the internet where fly anglers go to search for spare parts for old fly reels, or ask for information on their fly reel they got in a garage sale...