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Thread: VT Proposes Stocking Rainbows in Battenkill

  1. #1

    Default VT Proposes Stocking Rainbows in Battenkill

    Cut to the chase:

    VT has proposed stocking rainbow trout in the Battenkill to appease those who are tired of waiting for the efforts of the scientists and conservationists to pay off, just so they can catch and keep some fish in their back yard.


    VT fisheries biologists have recently completed a 5-year study of the Battenkill and determined that the decline in the brown trout population is most directly attributable to the lack of cover (large woody debris, etc.)

    The net of it: Lots of good-sized breeders producing lots of fry, but a 'mysterious' gap in the mid-sized slot. Where are all the 8-10-12-14 inchers?

    The theory: The lack of cover means there's nowhere for them to go when they outgrow the riffles and shallows since the mid-sized fellows aren't big enough and can't compete with the big boys who already own the limited 'good' cover that does exist.

    Logical next steps: Habitat improvement/enhancement projects (installing large woody debris, root wads, tree trunks, etc) and continued monitoring of the population to determine whether the number of trout in the mid-size class begins to turn and head in the other direction.

    Instead of allowing this to happen and allow the wild trout population to recover naturally, VT Fish & Wildlife has proposed adding sterile rainbow trout to the fishery to enhance the 'recreational value' of this Wild Trout Fishery.

    How much sense does it make to throw stockies into one of VT's five remaining wild trout fisheries, discarding the scientific findings and in effect abandoning the research that they've just completed, just to appease those who wish to be able to 'catch and keep' some from their back yard?

    In my view, not much.

    If you'd like more information, drop me a line or check out our website ( [url=http://www.TUSWVT.org:65fbb]www.TUSWVT.org[/url:65fbb] ).


    [This message has been edited by pkb (edited 23 May 2006).]

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Bergen County, NJ


    There's another thread on this topic in the "sound off" forum that has a link to an online petition put together by local TU chapter.

    My experience growing up in VT tells me that there is a lot of wild brookie water, but not so much wild brown water around there, so this is an important resource.

  3. #3


    Thanks for the acknowledgement.

    That's also my post in the "Sound Off" section.

    For those inclined, we'd be happy to have your names added to the list of those in favor of keeping the Battenkill a wild trout fishery. Just follow the link to the chapter site and read more about it...

    Thanks for your assistance!


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