Quote Originally Posted by RexW View Post
I paid $20 for my copy and I got 15 years of use out of it. But there is no comparison of that vise to the smaller SS Regal jaws. The design of the SS jaws is much, much better for tying smaller flies.

The Regal is definately a better vise than the copy, but whether or not it is 10X better to offset the price difference... well, that is an individual decision that will not be the same answer for everyone. But I have no regrets with the decision to upgrade my vise.

Rex, and all, thanks for your input. As I mentioned to Flyfisher7's post, the opinions from your experiences were just what I was looking to hear.

Great forum here!! I made the purchase through my local flyshop yesterday, a Regal Travel tool w/Stainless Steel jaws. Thanks all!!
