Well, welcome back, Blaine. I do seem to recall your name popping up here several years ago. Weaverville is a town I always look forward to visiting. Maybe because I love fishing the Trinity so very much.

As for your vise question, is your current vise failing? Or are you just ready for an upgrade? What features do you think you'd like in your next vise?

As Byron stated, most people here will tell you that they only use the rotary function to inspect the other side periodically. Most non-rotary vises will still allow you to rotate the jaws for to inspect the fly.

I'd look at some other features just as much as the question of "rotary vs non-rotary." Consider the size range you'll typically tie. The jaws on any good quality vise should handle the middle ground (#4-18.) just fine. If you do much of your tying outside that range, some vises have jaws (or offer additional jaws) that perform better than others. Also think about the method of closing the jaws. Some people really enjoy the spring jaws of Regals. Others want a cam closure. Then there are still others that are perfectly happy with a screw action. Don't forget ergonomics and comfort. Finally, consider the service that you'll get from the maker. At some point, you may have a part wear or break. Break a screw, and one company will sell you a repair kit for $10, another company will send one free of charge no questions asked, and another company is defunct.