David, do not skimp on your equipment.

If you do get hired then you can order the things you will need on pro forms. They usually save you at least 50% off retail prices.

Buy guide weight waders and a very good breathable jkt, good quality boots w/o spikes.

You will also need a pack for carrying lunches, first aid kit etc. Something around 2500 to 3000 ci.

Make sure and have a good quality pair of sunglasses in a brown or copper colored lens.

Make sure you have plenty of warm clothes for when fall comes.

Make sure and bring lots of bug repellent with 100% deet. Skin-so-soft and other similar products are a fricken joke.

Do not plan on seeing any town so make sure you have all of your personnel needs.

Expect to be doing alot of crap jobs your first season, with long hours and little or no time off.

You probally won't be fishing much yourself bring a 5 or 6wt and a 8 wt and you should be fine. A 9 or 10wt if you get a chance at some Kings.

Has anyone offered you a job yet?

Do not forget about the coast guard license I told you about. If you are running a boat on a navigatable waterway you have to have one.
