Warren, It's not that they won't pay for the second claim, they will but, then they would drop them because of being a high risk and he would be put into a high risk pool and would end up paying a higher premium for the same coverage with another company if any other company would pick them up. My wife and I have gone through this with damages caused by Mother Nature to our house. It sucks royaly but, it's there choice. After all, the insurance companies aren't there to protect us, their there to take our money and protect themselves. What a scam these insurance companies are.
Quote Originally Posted by WarrenP View Post
After reading what happened, I would be just as upset as you are, but, always remember and be aware that "things" ARE still looking up. You are still in remission and have been given a new lease on life. What the low life took and destroyed were just "things" which can be replaced, but, they did not take away your "remision" and new lease on life. They will get their punishment. I would check into another insurance company just to see if you could get better coverage. I think I would be more upset with the insurance company and be forced to have a "sit-down" discussion with the agent. If they expect you to pay for coverage each year then they should provide protection for you each time something like this happens. What they are doing does not make any sense to me. If your home is hit by 2 fires in one year, are they only going to provide coverge for one of them? You have paid a lot of money to them over the years and they should provide you with some sort of coverage and they need to understand that there are other insurance companies that would gladly have you for a customer. Put your insurance agent's feet to the fire and see what happens. I understand that a home in a very remote area can be "hit" often and insurance companies can write in protection for themselves, but, you are still paying them each year. Afterall, there are homes along low lying areas along some rivers that get flooded out each spring and the insurance companies still provide some sort of help and your insurance company should provide you with something. If not 100% recovery, as least something to help out.

Above all else, keep your head held high and keep the Faith. Replace, over time, what has been stolen and destroyed and always remember that you are in remission, you still have your family and He will guide and protect you.