The cone-head body is the gold Flashabou roped to form segments. Once you cinch down the tail, you can just rope the material to form a yarn, or you can rope-dub it so you can create a taper as you wrap. Just two ways to kill the same bird. I rope-dub on heavy wire so that it adds weight and durability, but you can't readily spot that from looking at the fly. The collar is just the tail end of the rope that I didn't spin- the last 1 1/2 inch or so. Once you hit the cone, circle the shank with the tips and cinch them down- creates the 'hackle' collar. Breaks down to 3 parts for each hank- tail, body, collar. I did a ton of
Mister-Twister grub-style jigs for Skip, with the bodies being the tail material rope-dubbed. Works with anything, just about, but some are awesome, like flashabou and mirage.
Red Baron-600.jpgSkip's greenie-reg light.jpgSkip's greenie-UV light.jpgP1010004.jpg
The yellow jig is shown in regular light, then under UV light. Skip sent me a big batch of the road-runner jigs with blades, and I had a fun time working with them. They may have worked around here, but I sent them all to Skip for crappy fishing testing and tying samples.