The Alaska Fly Fishers has a raffle at the local (Anchorage) Sportsman's Show every spring for a high end fly rod and reel. A local shop donates the rod, usually a Sage, and we add a reel either from a donation or that we buy (usually cheap, direct from the manufacturer) and raffle them together. We also have a free kids raffle (it is pretty easy to get someone to donate a kid, so be selctive there! ) for either a tying kitor a free family pass to our annual fly fishing seminar.

Asking for prizes is easier for some than others...

Printing a coupon on the back of the tickets for a donor store is a good way to sell potential donors on helping you... and themselves at the same time.

Better prizes will increase your ticket sales, guaranteed!

If you have to buy a rod, look at Sierra Trading Post for some great deals on name rods.