Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Jesse View Post
I can pretty well assure you that you can eat all the farm raised catfish you would like without ill effect, unless you have an allergy. Of course, you may develop an urge to grow a mustache.

Whenever I see tilipia on a menu or in a grocery ad I remember the first time I ever heard of tilipia was in Progressive Farmer Magazine, a farm building a modern pig farm was putting tilipia in his waste pond to process the waste from the hogs.
All over Taiwan they have "restaurants" where you can rent rods by the hour and fish in a cement pond for whatever they stock it with. At the top of the hills they have mostly shrimp ponds, with other species of fish and "bugs" appropriate to the level of the pond. The runoff goes to the next restaurant down the hill, and the next, and the next, until they get to the tilapia pond at the very bottom... but they do not have to feed the tilapia...

The shrimp operations are very cool because of the ways they encourage people to visit... You fish with two tiny hooks at a time... catch two shrimp at once and you win a free beer... Shrimp sharks show up with their own custom rods... None of them really seemed to be catching many shrimp though.

When you have enough shrimp you skewer them, roll them in coarse salt, and toss them on a huge broiler grill. Buy you side dishes and eat very well...

They should have known better than to allow an ex-commercial fisherman into their crab and lobster ponds though... I ate WAY too much!