Whoooeee! I just love the dialogue.

Gotta tell my only carp story. (so far)

I was fishing mill creek during my lunch hour one day last fall.

I was standing about 8, maybe 10, feet above the creek on a vertical bank, jigging a beadhead prince nymph into the current below. (Was I fly fishing?)I was trying to entice a couple of BG.

Suddenly my heart stopped when I saw a huge carp come swimming up the shallow stream, somtimes with his back breaching the surface. I held my breath and sure enough, it swam right below me and sucked up the nymph.

I set the hook and the fish just turned away and began to swim across the current and downstream. No fight, just pure determination, like a tractor hitched to a plow. The harder I pulled, the harder the carp swam. I almost turned the fish twice, but I was also looking at my watch. I was due back at work in 10 minutes.

I realized the only way I would land this fish would be to jump off the bank and into the creek bed. Another look at the watch...what to do? With a sigh, I gave a big pull and broke off from the big guy.

I am convinced this fish was aware of his superior position and was playing ME.