If you can't be with the fish you love to fish, fish the fish that are where you are, it is still fishing. I love fishing trout, but I also enjoy fly angling for panfish and bass. Northern Pike, and Muskies are are a little more tricky, but they are available also, but when you catch one it is a blast. Which reminds me of an old song which explains it all...

You can't rollerskate in a Buffalo Herd
You can't rollerskate in a Buffalo Herd
You can't rollerskate in a Buffalo Herd
But you can be happy if you want too!

You can't take a shower in a parakeet cage
You can't take a shower in a parakeet cage
You can't take a shower in a parakeet cage
But you can be happy if you want too!

You can't go swimming in a baseball pool
You can't go swimming in a baseball pool
You can't go swimming in a baseball pool
But you can be happy if you want too!


[This message has been edited by Steven H. McGarthwaite (edited 08 May 2006).]