Here are my thoughts on your question:

There are some fly fishermen who wet wade during the season when I am cold using waders! What is considered "cold" to one person may not be cold to the next person. I have Graves Disease which makes me sensitive to cold and I will be cold while wading when others are comfortable wet wading. So, I recommend that you weigh this out carefully and base your answer on your needs and not what works for others.

For me, I use chest high breathable Orvis waders during the hot summer months and switch to waist high neoprene waders for my winter time fishing. I do not wade in real deep water during the cold months. You can pick up a pair of waist high neoprene waders for less than $70 and this will allow you more money for the breathable waders.

I know this probably does not help you, but, I just wanted to make sure that you know that what is cold for one may be warm for you and vise versa.

Just my thoughts and nothing more....