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Thread: Doing something wrong casting

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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    fortwalton beach,florida usa


    Quote Originally Posted by Utah David View Post
    I wasn't going to reply to this thread, as it's hard enough to provide anything of value to someone when they are standing right beside you. A post in a thread like this... well, hopefully you'll find something that helps.

    I believe much of what has already been provided to you is very "valid" advice. But I doubt that much of it will truly be very helpful, and some of it, quite honestly, scares me. Not that what was being said isn't valid when you get right down to it. But for someone that has a limited understanding (at best) of what is being said, my fear is that the information will only serve to confuse you in the end.

    Please do not take any offense to that comment, as I am only responding to what I perceive from a few posts. But if you need to look up terminology (such as spey casting) then much of what has been said is likely above your understanding. We all started there, and from what I know of this Board's membership, we all want to help, and no one is judging or intentionally trying to mislead you. But the road to (you know where) is often paved with good intentions.

    I could also provide you with "helpful advice", but you don't know me, have no idea if I even have a clue, and you may well be a much better caster than I. The point is, you don't know. So should you follow my advice or not?

    As such, I believe the best advice that you have received is to find someone local to you, that can truly assist you with some one-on-one. Barring that, the videos (Joan Wulffs Dynamics of Fly Casting for example) are your next best option, as you can clearly see what is being explained, and you know they are knowledgeable. If you don't want to purchase a video, then look to your local libraries. They may already have some, and if not, they may be able to inter-library loan one, or be willing to add one (or more) to their collection. The point is, ask them if they don't have it.

    Be cautious of any casting instruction you find in a youtube video (or similar) unless it is an actual segment from an actual video that you know you can trust. There are plenty of really good videos out there on youtube, but again, until you have some knowledge / understanding to work from, you could end up following some pretty bad advice. And while this video (which was also posted under "You can be a guide") ( is made as a humorous look at the kinds of "professionals" I'm referring to. I think it clearly illustrates my point.

    Good luck and welcome to the wonders of fly fishing. You are in for a wonderful time, so just enjoy the journey in all its' phases.

    Well Dave I'm not sure what you found so scary but I can suspect much. Unlike most I didn't try and answer the questions but rather ask questions, even tho I'm reasonably sure I can answer accurately. Choosing not to was the better way to go precisely because I was not standing next to the person. Have you ever learned from reading a book or watched a video and perhaps thought it would be nice to be able to ask the author a question about something they wrote that wasn't clear in meaning? I can't speak for others but I have worked with a goodly number of people over the internet on fly rodding skills and other related subjects. Fact is if you know were to look you can see the results of my students on this web site. Almost none of which I've ever met in person but that didn't stop me from reaching out to them and offering personal assistance that on occasion ran for many months and long hours into the night. It was all my choice and my pleasure. I bet you might find it a bit odd that I don't employ the word 'casting' when mentoring a fly rod student, you may find that a little "above your understanding". I will say over the last few years its been personally satisfying to see many very well know names coming more around to my way framing the language of instruction. I've heard it spoken "Free advise is worth what you pay for it, but understanding is priceless".
    Last edited by qrrfish1; 08-31-2012 at 04:53 PM.
    Capt. Paul Darby Dont wait to be ask, get out and teach.

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