Quote Originally Posted by rainbowchaser View Post
As for winter, It is a small price to pay for not having water moccasins and gators. I'm happy living in a place where I don't have to worry about okra or grits showing up on my plate.
It's it great that you would rather deal with winter and I would rather deal with cottonmouths and gators because if everyone like one or the other those places would get more crowded than they are now. I had a client ask me to come to MN in January several years ago, I don't think it got above 0 deg. F all week and I had to cancel a trip to another town because of a white out. No thank you, where is my cottonmouth. Okra is good fried and in other dishes, too slimey for me when boiled and grits are binder material for other things with flavor in them. But I would love to visit one July when you are having summer.