This river is still rather low. Plus, there's a couple dams upstream that control the flow. The closest of those is what really dictates how much water is moving, due to hydroelectric generation.

Where I'm fishing, the river is about 1/4 mile across. There are two channels. The channel I'm fishing is maybe 50' wide, and 3 - 4' deep. I have to wade the other channel, if you want to call it that. It's about 100' wide, and averages less than knee deep at the flow rates I wade-fish.

Now, come Spring, when we normally get a "flood", we'll have a prolonged high-water flow event that will raise water level anywhere from 6 - 12' higher that what I've shown. If you can hit it while 20K cfs is moving downstream, the big blue cats show up, making for interesting fishing.