Reels are not the most important part of the fly rod set-up. Here is my list of the fly rod set-up listed by importance...

#1. Fly Rod Blank: by use needed in the cast it can be a "Quick Tip" the first 25 percent of the fly rod blank. "Moderate Tip" the first 33 to 50 percent of the fly rod blank. "Slow Tip" 75 percent of the fly rod blank. All have their place in fly fishing, determined by the water you are fishing on, and what species of fish you are fishing for...

#2 Guides (including stripping guides): depending on your need you can use two footed guides, or one footed guides.

#3 Handle Grip: One size does not fit all, make sure that the fly rod handle grip matches your hand grip diameter and shape

#4 Fly Line: Use a fly line that will match the action of the fly rod, and travel swiftly and smoothly through the guides.

#5 Reel Seat and Lock-down gear: Make sure that real seat setup matches the reel and the foots on the reel.

#6 Reel: I have mostly moderate priced fly rod reels, most under $100. For most reels I have a spare spool to use depending on the conditions (weather conditions and wind strength).

Most Important to keep all you fly fishing gear (all the above) in shape and to extend its life-span, to always to clean the whole set-up at the end of each days outing. Let the gear air dry before storing in it's case.