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Thread: First try at stacked deer hair

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  1. #2


    You are real close...

    First, if you look at your bug, you'll notice that the hair in most of the bodylooks like it is angled back. That means you didn't use enough hair and/or didn't flare it enough or pack it tight enough. A common problem with Kevlar thread is that it will cut the hair before it has flared completely. If you use enough hair it will look like it's at right angles to the shank (what actually happens is that half tends back and half tends forwards. When you pack it the hairs 'mix' so that the outside looks like the ends of the hair, not the 'sides').

    Try using more hair in your first bunch, then decrease it as you add the markings/contrasts/spots. You want to put as much hair as you possibly can onto the hook. It will be denser and float better that way.

    Where you trim the bottom of the fly is oftten a matter of preference, but if you want that fly to dive when you twitch/pull/activate it, it will do that better if you trim it flatter and closer to the hook.

    Before trimming the hair to shape, try holding the hair portion in the steam from a kettle. This will cause the hair to flare more and make it trim easier.

    Great first effort. I wish my first ones had looked that good.

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