I'm not sure if this is a limitation or not as I haven't tried it, but believe it is a limitation. I love around some nice bigger bodies of water where people use alot of drift boats to fish the banks, and wading is limited. I am affraid my rod would break if I was in my pontoon or drift boat and hooked into one of the hogs in the river. I may be mistaken and correct my assumption if I am because that would be nice to know. Even if it is true that isn't a big limitation to me as I prefer to stay away from these areas as they are so over crowded, and part of the experience to me is getting away from all the high pace vigor in the world and connect with nature and myself. We actually had a fight at one of the local boat launchs between some guides and jet boaters about a week ago. As far as distance goes I have found ways to present and fish any hole on the water I am fishing so far. It does sometimes require a little imagination though, don't think limits think of different options. I carry several different line lenghts with me so I can change the length of my line in a matter of seconds.

Wet lines,