Dru -

I really enjoyed your enthusiasm, and how well you narrated your experience yesterday. I've got an Ayu and really enjoy casting it. Effortless. No doubt that you will enjoy yours.

My only suggestion is that you consider all the stuff you learned from Daniel yesterday just one person's rather limited view of how a Tenkara rod can be used.

For example, I have the entire line on the water as often as, maybe more often than, having the entire line off the water. For the waters I usually fish with a Tenkara rod, I'm as likely to have a good sized golden stone dry on as an itty bitty dry or reverse soft hackle. I've used it for chucking big weighted stonefly nymphs under a thingamabobber to some pretty decent river trouts. And fished about 30' of line consisting of 20' of running line from a WF5F fly line plus 10' of furled thread line / leader plus tippet.

You might want to take a run through the Sticky thread at the beginning of the Tenkara Forum. Many more experienced Tenkara anglers contributed a lot of really good stuff to that discussion. You'll get much more from that group than you ever could from Daniel.
