Paul -

I am a bit surprised that mono would have more stretch than thread. But I have never done any tests personally to see how them compare. Maybe it is just that I have never stressed the one or two furled mono leaders I've used enough to cause that twisty condition.

NewTyer -

My references to thread furled leaders getting the twisty condition are based on using 4X through 2X tippet on a leader furled from Danville 210 FlyMaster Plus in a 10-8-6 configuration with a tip ring. Believe me, breaking off such tippet when the fly has snagged where it can't be reached to free it will cause a major case of the twisties. Yesterday I had occasion to break off a 4X tippet when I caught my fly in a tree on an errant backcast - and had the worse twisty condition I've seen in seven years of fishing that basic leader.
