Quote Originally Posted by branhap View Post
Most bamboo rods I come across have a price tag north of $1.5K, and many times closer to $2K. So... a price tag of $750 is just a little under half the cost of bamboo.
Respectfully, there are several modern makers of bamboo rods whose price range is closer to $775.00 than a $1000.00. Do the research.
And, what if there wasn't? Don't tout your g rod as being like a bamboo rod when it can't be.....not even close.

Another option for bamboo is buying a vintage rod. Many out there in the $400.00 to $800.00 range that rival the current high dollar bamboo rods.
Plus, they don't lose their value like a new car when you drive it off the lot. Pay $775.00 for the latest greatest Sage and see what you can get for it on the
secondary market should you decide it's just not what it was touted to be or just doesn't suit your style. Another plus, bamboo rods can most times be
repaired when damaged, I wouldn't trust a graphite repair as far as I could cast it.

Just my 77,500 cents worth.