Byron -

The comment in your original post that "Bob Jacklin has never quite gotten the recognition I feel he deserves", struck me as odd, but as I thought about it, that was probably because he gets a lot of recognition down in SE Idaho.

When I think about highly regarded fly anglers / fly tiers in SE Idaho and SW Montana, highly regarded by the folks who live in that area, the names Lawson, Harrop, Jacklin, Staples, Sanchez and Galloup typically come to mind. There are a few others, but the point is that Jacklin is always included in the list.

On a broader basis, I suspect that your statement rings true because he has never really promoted himself the way some of the others have. I don't know him, but the few times I have met and talked to him, he just didn't strike me as someone who would turn out a "coffee table" class publication about what he is about.
