Almost nobody makes a living tying production patterns commercially anymore. At most production patterns are "gravy" on steak & potatoes made doing something else (in my case, guiding and shop work). Doing specialty trout flies helps some too. The few full-time commercial tyers make their living doing custom steelhead and saltwater flies. Most of the rest make maybe half their money tying flies and the rest "expertizing" ala AK Best, aka the money is in writing about fly tying and giving talks. There's some money in royalties if you are a contract designer, but not a lot unless you're Mike Mercer or John Barr. My royalties from MFC last year on about a dozen patterns amounted to one month of rent & utilities.

Also, I suspect those Umpqua flies must be overstock they got from Umpqua for pennies. I'd need to check our wholesale cost, but on most Umpqua flies it's more than twice that per dozen.