Steve, huge congratulations on your impressive weight loss! Keep going. You are going to feel so much better physically and emotionally when you hit your goal that you will not believe it.

Two suggestions. First, don't limit your calories any more than your current input, but do try to increase your exercise routine as you feel up to it. Two miles a day of walking will get you to your goal even faster if you feel up to it. Second, keep giving away or throwing away your pants as you move to a smaller waist size. But keep the pants that are one size larger than the ones that fit you when you hit your goal. That way, you have a bit of slack if you start going up, but also a reminder to get back on the loss program.

A few years ago, my doc told me I was close to being diabetic and needed to lose weight and increase exercise. That got my attention and I dropped surprisingly fast and easily from a 42" to a 34" waist. Stayed there for a few years, then gradually found myself backsliding. (I do love ice cream!) Bought some 36" waist Wranglers and still looked pretty good to myself. Then had to buy a pair of 38" Wranglers. That set the bells ringing, so I only bought one pair at that size. I'm now back down to 36" and working at hitting 34" again. The newest 38" Wranglers are down at the Salvation Army store and I've vowed never to buy another pair in this size.