I decided to move to the north about 10 feet, as I had seen some surface hits, and wanted to make contact with those fish to establish their identity. My first cast got a huge strike and immediately hookup. I realized this was a much bigger fish than the Hybrid Sunnie, so using my fingers as a drag, I let the fish take the loose line out until I had the fish on the reel. Then, it decided to run for a bit. I was able to start gaining line, when the fish jumped. I realized I had a NICE Bass on. It came to the bank within seconds. I guess the long rod tired it out quickly. It flopped once before posing for a picture, and a gentle release:


I went back to catching Bluegill, with one more Hybrid Sunnie thrown in for the mix:

After catching the last fish, I realized I had managed to loose the nymph on the dropper. I could easily have tied the second nymph on, but, decided it was time to head home and get stuff for dinner.

My casting is starting to really get better. I was getting some good distance, probably 30’ at least, and I was casting into a headwind.

Hopefully, this weekend I'll get a fly-rod holder for my kayak. Then, it's on! I've got a couple lakes to hammer.