... is another possibility.

About a dozen years ago, a friend took me fishing on Cummings Lake just south of Ely NV. Similar size rainbow trout on a diet of scuds so the fishies had flesh that was a salmon pink. Excellent eating.

While I still had a good number in the freezer, I decided to try dehydrating them. Thawed them, baked them for about 45 minutes at 350F, and then put them in a food dehydrator set on high ( around 140F as I recall ) for something like 12 hours. Kind of a rainbow jerky, but without any seasoning so it was more like concentrated salmon flavor rather than smoked salmon or trout jerky.

The dehydrated trouts were a major source of nutrition during a five day, four night backpack to .... where else .... Rainbow Bridge National Monument. A quart bottle full of the dehydrated trout lasted all five days with no spoilage, with enough left over for a celebratory snack for all seven people on the backpack.
