I'll jump in on the weight lose band wagon here because I've been trying to lose weight as well recently. I am in fact on a "crash diet" currently, but that's because I was at a very unhealthy weight and needed to lose the first good bit pretty fast just to get in a bit healthier place so that I can start doing it gradually. I'm 6'6" and 32 days ago I weighed 390lbs. I went on a major diet and changed my eating habits to 950 calories per day, walking 1 mile every other day, doing some weight lifting and cut out anything unhealthy from my diet as well as only drinking water and one diet pepsi per day. I'm currently 359lbs now so I've dropped 31 lbs in 32 days. once I get down to about 300lbs then I will start doing it more gradually from that point. My target goal is about 230-245lb range because with being 6'6" that's the weight were I look & feel best.
